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Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Top Ten Tuesday - Scents

Thank you to those who left suggestions for Top Ten lists - please feel free to leave your suggestions for me.

I am very sensitive to scents and I'm allergic to a lot of things, so many scents actually bother me. So this list wasn't as easy to compile as you might think!

Top Ten Scent

10 - cow manure on fields - okay, this is where I admit to being wierd. I love driving through the country and smelling that scent of fields fertilized with cow manure. It's got to be cow manure, though - lots of other manures are nasty. I think it might harken back to visiting my grandparents on their farm when I was little. Neither of them are with me anymore.

9 - bacon cooking - I love the smell of bacon cooking. Once I've eaten it, though, the scent seems gross and I want it gone

8 - the ground melting - Come sprint when the dirt is wet and warming up, there's this wonderful, earthy smell that I enjoy.

7 - leather - Even when it's not attached to a jacket on a stud, I love the smell of leather

6 - mint - clean and crisp, and yummy

5 - Ivory soap - there's nothing in it and it just smells clean to me

4 - the ocean - the smell of the ocean feels like coming home

3 - cinnamon - especially if baking with it is involved

2 - fresh berries - strawberries, blueberries, raspberries - they're all delicious smelling

1 - bread baking - this is best scent ever

What's your favorite scent?

smut fixes everything

1 comment:

  1. OOOh I agree with most of these - they are YUMMY scents...

    I would have to add the smell of a turkey cooking in the oven - takes me right back to when I was growing up. LOVE THAT.
